
Livestock Sales

Sheffield Ewe & Flock Ram Sale

  • Date:
    Fri Feb 14, 2025
  • Time:
    11:00 AM
  • Address:
    Sheffield Saleyards
  • Region:



JD & SR Wason, Sheffield
100 Romney Capital Stock 2th Ewes

Owenga Station, Chatham Islands
600 Romdale 2th Ewes

Ohinemama Farm, Chatham Islands
270 Romtex 2th Ewes
November Shorn | 5in1 Vax Programme

Mt Pleasant Farm, Southbridge
200 Romney 2th Ewes

QF & TM Horler, Chatham Islands
200 Romtex 2th Ewes
November Shorn

Silvercloud Enterprises, Loburn
130 Romdale 2th Ewes

R Nesbit, Rangiora
45 2th Ewes

BW & EF Dixon, Cust
38 Perendale 2th Ewes

Mt Torlesse, Springfield
35 Romney 2th Ewes


KG & SC Wragg, Whitecliffs
200 Coopworth 2 Shear Ewes

Fitzallan Park, Southbridge
400 Romney Texel X Mixed Age Ewes
5in1 Vax Programme

Owenga Station, Chatham Islands
500 Romdale 4 & 5yr Old Ewes

KJ & VA O'Loghlan, West Eyreton
59 Halfbred 6th Ewes

Kopi Holdings, Chatham Islands
185 Romney Annual Draft Ewes

Hilltop Farm, Kaikoura
150 Perendale Annual Draft Ewes

HD & K Fraser, Akaroa
85 Romney Annual Draft Ewes


JD & SR Wason, Sheffield
6 Romney Rams

JR Jebson, Darfield
4 Southdown Rams

Ardmore Suffolks, Methven
1 Suffolk Ram

J & H Millar, Leeston
4 Suffolk Rams
4 Suftex Rams

SE Hughes, Springston
3 Suffolk Rams
3 Poll Dorset Rams
3 Southdown Rams

GS Donald, Balcairn
4 Poll Dorset Rams
3 Texel Rams

RW & PJ Wilson, West Melton
5 Suftex Rams

SW Brannigan, Southbridge
4 Southdown Rams

Springcreek Ltd, Oxford
4 Dorset Down Rams

PG Wilson, Ashburton
4 South Suffolk Rams

DM Butterick, Kaituna
4 South Suffolk Rams

Tui Springs, Springston
4 Suffolk

AM McIlraith, Leeston
3 Suffolk Rams

AD & CA Busch, Ashburton
2 Dorset Down Rams

Maree Quinn, Ashburton
2 South Suffolk Rams



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